Jim Groom’s visit–listen in!

We’re anxiously awaiting the video of our most recent seminar meeting so that we can share it with anyone interested who wasn’t present. In the interim, check out the audio of Jim’s presentation, which he broadcast on ds106 radio. If you have reactions, comments, or questions about his presentation, or about the City Tech development of an open digital platform, feel free to ask them in the comments here.

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4 Responses to Jim Groom’s visit–listen in!

  1. Jim says:

    I thought he was great, and very, very good looking.

    • Got to be good looking ’cause he’s so hard to see. . .

      Thanks again, Jim. Our discussion inspired me to try taking a more active role on my course blog instead of making mention of it in class. I don’t know if that’s why comments were more on target, it is was because students are really hitting their stride with the blog, or because Nella Larsen’s Quicksand is such an interesting novel to write about. Very exciting stuff!

  2. Jonas Reitz says:

    I finally had time to track down one of my notes from Jim’s visit, which was “Check out Dan Meyer in California”. He seems to be the Jim Groom of math — he has a million great ideas of using new media and technology in the math classroom. He works at the high school level, but his philosophy (and many of his specific ideas) are much more widely applicable.

    Here’s his blog: blog.mrmeyer.com.

    For one great example, check out this 30-second Boat in the River video (create a short video or an image that leaves the viewer with a compelling question — and then ask them to find the answer).

  3. Pingback: More Instructional Technology Themes in this blog — or — a blog on blogs | Things I say to my BlackBoard students

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