2/15 WAC Workshop announcement

So far, we’ve used the blog for many functions, including announcements. I’m experimenting with the announcements function on the Group page to see if we like communicating this way instead for this kind of announcement. I’ll still post this on the blog, but let’s decide which way we prefer to disseminate information.

I hope you’ll join the Writing Across the Curriculum program for the first workshop of the semester. The focus on fleshing out a syllabus that you’ve already developed seems particularly relevant to all of us as we begin to design or redesign syllabi for our fall first-year courses:

Righting the Syllabus

Now that the semester is underway, how does your syllabus look in action? What adjustments do you want to make? Bring your syllabus to this workshop and talk with colleagues and WAC fellows about how to use writing to fine-tune your class design and build up to larger assignments to ensure your students get the maximum benefit from your course (without extra papers for you to grade).
Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty members.
DATE: Tuesday, February 15, 2011
TIME: 1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
VENUE: Rm. N 227
Lunch will be served
RSVP to [email protected]

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2 Responses to 2/15 WAC Workshop announcement

  1. Daniel Alter says:

    I would encourage all the fellows in the title v grant (general education) to work with the writing fellows. I had the opportunity to attend the WAC workshop and found it to be incredibly beneficial. It formulated a plan in my mind how to incorporate and disseminate the general education component assignment in my freshman class next semester. Previously, I really had no idea.

    • I’m so glad you had a positive experience with a writing fellow, and I encourage everyone to try working with one! I’m in the process of sending out emails introducing seminar participants to individual fellows who can offer support for developing syllabi for the fall.

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