Getting started on the annotated bibliography

We hope to use Zotero or some other resource to help us keep our sources organized, but until then, feel free to post your finds in the comments section here.

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7 Responses to Getting started on the annotated bibliography

  1. Welcome to!

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    Hi All — how is the seminar going? Cool. Carry on!!

    Hi Matt! We’re looking for some articles to start our annotated bibliography:

    Student involvement: A developmental theory for higher education

    I searched for General Education and CUNY but I don’t know how CUNY-oriented all the results are:

    NEH Enduring Questions Grant Proposal: “Why be Educated” Look at this bibleography!

    The revised edition of this sounds good: In the second edition of this widely respected work, the argument is sharply focused on the need to change college and university education top to bottom, and the need to understand knowledge differently in order to accomplish that change. Several chapters, including that on collaborative learning and computers, have been throughly revised, and three new chapters have been added: on differences between collaborative learning and cooperative learning; on literary study and teaching literature; and on postgraduate education.
    Development of Students’ Critical-Reasoning Skills through Content-Focused Activities in a General Education Course
    The Power of Experiential Education

    The following two articles are about Mathematics, but they speak to issues that we are addressing: how to make learning meaningful, hands-on, engaging —
    A Mathematician’s Lament by Lockhart is a scathing indictment of modern mathematics education, controversial & thought-provoking:
    Malkevitch’s article about Discrete Mathematics begins with a truly great example contrasting common “abstract” questions with practical, hands-on questions:
    Pulling It All Together: Connecting Liberal Arts Outcomes with Departmental Goals through General Education.

    Related to diversity and educational policy, has a good though a little dated bibliography, link to downloadable pdf: Michael Fultz, “Historical Perspectives on African American Males as Subjects of Education Policy,” American Behavioral Scientist March2008 vol. 51 no. 7 854-871

    For current work on general education, it might be worth keeping an eye on this upcoming conference.
    General Education and Assessment 3.0: Next-Level Practices Now

  2. Sean Scanlan says:
    College Students and the Curriculum: The Fantastic Voyage of Higher Education, 1636 to the Present.
    Assessing general education outcomes.:

    Can I make changes too? Guess so Doug Moody

    Abstract:The article offers the author’s insights on liberal education in universities and colleges in the U.S. for 21st century. He says that the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has created Essential Learning Outcomes for college students as part of its Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) initiative. Meanwhile, author E.O. Wilson has explained in his book “Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge” the connection of intellectual thought with personal and social liability. (see link below)

    Title: Teaching Critical Thinking: Some Lessons from Cognitive Science
    Author(s): Tim van Gelder
    Source: College Teaching, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter, 2005), pp. 41-46

    Publisher(s): Taylor & Francis, Ltd.

    Stable URL:

    Abstract: This article draws six key lessons from cognitive science for teachers of critical thinking. The lessons are: acquiring expertise in critical thinking is hard; practice in critical-thinking skills themselves enhances skills; the transfer of skills must be practiced; some theoretical knowledge is required; diagramming arguments (“argument mapping”) promotes skill; and students are prone to belief preservation. The article provides some guidelines for teaching practice in light of these lessons.
    The Effect of Teaching General Education Courses on Deep Approaches to Learning: How Disciplinary Context Matters.
    College Students and the Curriculum: The Fantastic Voyage of Higher Education, 1636 to the Present.

    Reconceptualising higher education pedagogy in online learning.Full Text Available By: Green, Nicole C.; Edwards, Helen; Wolodko, Brenda; Stewart, Cherry; Brooks, Margaret; Littledyke, Ros. Distance Education, Nov2010, Vol. 31 Issue 3, p257-273, 17p, 3 Diagrams, 5 Charts; DOI: 10.1080/01587919.2010.513951
    Subjects: ONLINE courses; TEACHER education; EDUCATION, Higher; AUSTRALIA; COOPERATIVE inquiry
    Database: Education Research Complete

    CliffNotes for the next reading! SUMMERFIELD, JUDITH, and CRYSTAL BENEDICKS. “What IS IN This Book?.” Reclaiming the Public University: Conversations on General & Liberal Education (July 2007): 31-36. Education Research Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed January 28, 2011).

    Goodstein, Lynne. “The Failure of Curriculum Transformation at a Major Public University: When ‘Diversity’ Equals ‘Variety’.” NWSA Journal 6, no. 1 (Spring94 1994): 82. Education Research Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed January 28, 2011).
    Nelson Laird, Thomas F., and Amy K. Garver. “The Effect of Teaching General Education Courses on Deep Approaches to Learning: How Disciplinary Context Matters.” Research in Higher Education 51, no. 3 (May 2010): 248-265. Education Research Complete,

    Crazy for History

    Sam Wineburg

    The Journal of American History
    Vol. 90, No. 4 (Mar., 2004), pp. 1401-1414

    Published by: Organization of American Historians

    Article Stable URL:

    The Penny Drops: Can Work Integrated Learning Improve Students’ Learning?Full Text Available By: Freudenberg, Brett; Brimble, Mark; Vyvyan, Victoria. E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 2010, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p42-61, 20p, 3 Charts
    Subjects: EDUCATION, Higher; STUDENT development; CURRICULUM evaluation; EDUCATIONAL evaluation; ACADEMIC-industrial collaboration; MOTIVATION in education; ACTIVITY programs in education; AUSTRALIA; KNOWLEDGE transfer (Communication)
    Database: Education Research Complete

    WHITTAKER, ROBERT. “CHAPTER THREE: General Education VS. Education Generally.” In Reclaiming the Public University: Conversations on General & Liberal Education, 75-92. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2007. Education Research Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed January 28, 2011).

    Hanstedt, Paul. “Hong Kong’s Experiment in IntegrativeTeaching and Learning.” Liberal Education 96, no. 4 (Fall2010 2010): 18-23. Education Research Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed January 28, 2011).

    Sampling Practices and Social Spaces: Exploring a Hip-Hop Approach to Higher EducationAuthor(s):Petchauer, Emery. Source:Journal of College Student Development, v51 n4 p359-372 Jul-Aug 2010. 14 pp.Peer Reviewed:YesISSN:0897-5264Descriptors:Music, Student Experience, Popular Culture, Cultural Influences, Moral Values, Phenomenology, College Students, Social Influences, African American Students, White Students, Higher EducationAbstract:Much more than a musical genre, hip-hop culture exists as an animating force in the lives of many young adults. This article looks beyond the moral concerns often associated with rap music to explore how hip-hop as a larger set of expressions and practices implicates the educational experiences, activities, and approaches for students. The article draws from a multisite, phenomenological study of 6 students involved with hip-hop at a large, public university to illustrate two specific findings: (a) how students used hip-hop sampling as an approach and practice in education, and (b) how hip-hop spaces and practices were integrated into students’ educational lives on campus.
    Johns Hopkins University Press. 2715 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. Tel: 800-548-1784; Tel: 410-516-6987; Fax: 410-516-6968; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site:

    The Meaning of General Education: The Emergence of a Curriculum Paradigm.
    A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource.
    An historical and conceptual analysis of general education in the United States is presented, comprising the following chapters: (1) transformation and the search for meaning (including a discussion of the concept of general education); (2) the classical curriculum confronts democracy (democratic pressures on the classical curriculum; the Yale report; the utilitarian curriculum; research, culture, and the emerging curricular crisis; the culture movement; other early attempts at reform; the social context); (3) the humanist approach to general education (the philosophy of humanism; the contemporary civilization program at Columbia; Alexander Meiklejohn and the experimental college; “general” versus “liberal” education: Robert Maynard Hutchins; the parting of the ways); (4) pragmatism, instrumentalism, and progressive education (the philosophy of pragmatism; Charles Sanders Peirce and the pragmatic maxim; William James and instrumental truth; John Dewey and the transformation of experience; John Dewey and the instrumentalist philosophy of education; progressive education); (5) instrumentalist approaches to general education: three case histories (Bennington College; Sarah Lawrence College; the General College, University of Minnesota); (6) the general education paradigm on the eve of World War II; (7) general education for democracy (a mobilized society; impact on higher education; the general education movement in postwar society; the President’s Commission on Higher Education; general education and the community college; general education at Harvard; summary and conclusions); (8) general education for diversity (postindustrial higher education; social factors; students and general education; a resurgence of pragmatism; new approaches at Columbia; other innovations; new instrumentalist experiments; thematic and interdisciplinary programs; current concerns; trends and opportunities in general education); and (9) conclusions: the meaning
    of general education. A biographical note about the author an index, and 136 references are provided. (KM)

    This one is about general education and assessment

    web-savvy edupunks are transforming american higher education[PDF] from wgu.eduA Kamenetz – Fast Company, 2009 –
    If you want to perform a proper string quartet, they noted, you can’t cut out the cellist nor can you
    squeeze in more performances by playing the music faster. But that was then — before MP3s
    and iPods proved just how freely music could flow. Before Google scanned and digitized …
    Cited by 6 – Related articles – View as HTML – Find related info NYCCT – All 35 versions

    DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher EducationA Kamenetz – 2010 –
    PRAISE FOR DIY U “Anya Kamenetz brilliantly reveals the illogic and wasteful inequities of America’s
    blind faith in higher education. Her book will be devastating for older people who still believe
    one more graduate degree is the road to personal success and a prosperous economy. …
    Cited by 2 – Related articles – Find related info NYCCT – Library Search – All 2 versions

    Online Learning Using Free Technologies: Lessons Learned about Selection and Use[HTML] from google.comL Gualtieri – Open-Source Solutions in Education: Theory and � –
    … with expensive software purchases that would be hard to abandon. The notion of
    innovating in this way years later became known as�edupunk�(Kamenetz, 2009).
    Furthermore, while many of the technologies used are no …
    Related articles

    A Popular Education Handbook. An Educational Experience Taken from Central America and Adapted to the Canadian Context.

    Fundamental Education: Common Ground for All Peoples. Report of a Special Committee to the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

    What Really Matters in College: How Students View and Value Liberal Education. Liberal Education & America’s Promise
    Author(s):Humphreys, Debra; Davenport, AbigailSource:Liberal Education, v91 n3 p36-43 Sum-Fall 2005. Other important learning outcomes ranked “most important” by the students were: (1) A sense of maturity and how to succeed on your own; (2) Time-management skills; (3) Strong work habits; (4) Self-discipline; and (5) Teamwork skills and the ability to get along and work with people different from yourself. Factors considered important by the academic and business communities, i.e., global understanding, civic engagement, a sense of values and ethics, intercultural skills and knowledge, were not considered important goals for college learning by today’s students. Many students felt that these learning outcomes were important, but fell outside the purview of what is appropriate in a college education. It was also found that few students had heard the term “liberal education” and were unable to provide an accurate definition. Nearly all the college students associated the term with general education elements of the curriculum rather than the whole of the educational experience.Abstractor::Full Text from ERIC

    Why We Need EduPunk[PDF] from uvt.roM Ebner – Journal of Social Informatics, 2008 –
    Abstract: Jim Groom coined in his Weblog a new term called EduPunk and expressed his anger
    about rigid and commercial platforms. He postulated �that taking imaginative experiments of
    others and wrapping them up as a product that can be bought� is ignoring valuable work …
    Cited by 3 – Related articles – View as HTML – All 2 versions

  3. Engaged Learning and the Core Purposes of Liberal Education: Bringing Theory to Practice
    Author(s): Harward, Donald W.
    Source: Liberal Education, v93 n1 p6-15 Win 2007. 10 pp.
    Peer Reviewed: Yes
    ISSN: 0024-1822
    General Education, Student Participation, Theory Practice Relationship, Higher Education, Program Descriptions, Civics, Well Being, Health, Time on Task, College Faculty, Teacher Role, Higher Education
    Founded on the premise of a connection between the neglect of the core purposes of undergraduate liberal education, on the one hand, and certain patterns of disengagement exhibited by students, on the other, the Bringing Theory to Practice project provides support for campus programs as well as for research on the connection of certain forms of engaged learning to student health, well-being, and civic development. Engaged learning appears to be the normative condition for multiple types of development–cognitive, emotional, moral, and civic. In this article, the author talks about student disengagement and engaged learning, as well as the key role of faculty in the Bringing Theory to Practice project. (Contains 1 note.)
    Abstractor: ERIC
    Number of References: 2
    Language: English
    Number of Pages: 10
    Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports – Descriptive
    Availability: Full Text from ERIC
    Available online
    Association of American Colleges and Universities. 1818 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009. Tel: 800-297-3775; Tel: 202-387-3760; Fax: 202-265-9532; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site:
    Journal Code: MAY2007
    Entry Date: 2007
    Accession Number: EJ762290
    Database: ERIC
    Full Text Database: Education Research Complete

  4. The Journal of General Education
    Volume 50, Number 3, 2001

    E-ISSN: 1527-2060 Print ISSN: 0021-3667

    DOI: 10.1353/jge.2001.0021
    The Philosophy of General Education and Its Contradictions: The Influence of Hutchins
    Stevens, Anne H.
    The Journal of General Education, Volume 50, Number 3, 2001, pp. 165-191 (Article)
    DOI: 10.1353/jge.2001.0021
    Partial AccessPartial Access HTML Version | Partial AccessPartial Access PDF Version (89k)
    Subject Headings:
    * Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1899-1977.
    * Education, Higher — United States — Philosophy.
    * Education, Higher — History — United States.

    After a brief historical overview of general education programs at Chicago, Columbia, and elsewhere, the author discusses the tensions between the teaching of skills and the teaching of facts, between training in general knowledge and training for a particular career, between democracy and selectivity in education, and between universalist and historicist approaches to the great books.

  5. The Journal of General Education
    Volume 54, Number 2, 2005

    E-ISSN: 1527-2060 Print ISSN: 0021-3667

    DOI: 10.1353/jge.2005.0021

    Glynn, Shawn M.
    Aultman, Lori Price.
    Owens, Ashley M.
    Motivation to Learn in General Education Programs
    The Journal of General Education – Volume 54, Number 2, 2005, pp. 150-170
    Penn State University Press

    All members of the higher education community share the important goal of fostering college students’ motivation to learn. Which contemporary constructs best explains students’ motivation, however, is an issue of debate in this community. This article discusses motivational theory and research and draws implications for general education programs.

    Research in Higher Education
    Volume 47, Number 1, 89-109, DOI: 10.1007/s11162-005-8153-6
    Understanding How First-year Seminars Affect Persistence
    Stephen R. Porter and Randy L. Swing
    First-year seminars are nearly ubiquitous fixtures in American higher education, and research has documented their positive effect on student persistence. Only limited research, however, has attempted to isolate the impact of various aspects of first-year seminars on persistence, especially on a cross-institutional basis. We use a survey of almost 20,000 first-year students at 45 four-year institutions combined with institutional-level data to understand how aspects of first-year seminars affect early intentions to persist. Because survey respondents are grouped within dissimilar institutions, we use a multilevel modeling approach to model intent to persist.

  7. Jonas Reitz says:

    Lockhart, Paul.:
    A mathematician’s lament / 1st ed.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2009.

    This book is an expansion of an essay of the same name (commonly referred to as “Lockhart’s Lament”), which can be viewed here:

    As a mathematician I struggle with the role of mathematics in general education. There are such a variety of things that fall under the heading “mathematics” — numeracy, quantitative literacy, problem solving skills and abstract thinking, in addition to many, many specific mathematical topics that are prerequisites for various courses of study, and so on. Furthermore there is “mathematics as mathematicians experience it,” as an arena for play and exploration and discovery — mathematics as art. Lockhart brings both research and K-12 teaching experience to the table, and pulls no punches in his analysis. His views are controversial, but he does a great job of raising some of the most important issues about mathematics education today, and especially mathematics education for the “general audience” (as opposed to those who intend to specialize in math or math-heavy fields).

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